Darn Ma, the paint's peeling!





After scraping the loose paint I found that you could not sand the ridge left from the remaining white paint down.  The primer underneath was much softer and you ended up digging into the primer.  So I wet sanded the surface and blew some new paint onto the peeled areas.

It doesn't look bad in the picture but there are big ridges that need sanding now.


My ground handling has been getting worse.  Turns out my wing has creaped a little over the years and now my wheels aren't straight up and down.  Might as well make some new axle holes.  I tried a laser pen down the center of the axle hole to see where it would hit on the other side.  Ideally it would hit the other axle hole!

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Updated Feb 2008 all pictures and text copyright M. Dwyer 2008,
feel free to link to this page but not to the images.